sincerity, wisdom, faith and intelligence.
Read more about the psychology of blue here:
Put the code HCF27 into the tag search box on the main Spoonflower shopping page to easily pull up a wide variety of coordinates.
Quilters are well known for substituting an interesting texture for a solid in order to create a more interesting surface. This same approach can be used to advantage when creating home decor, or crafting a garment.
Within my shop you will find over a thousand solids and textures. For convenience they are organized into collections of similar colors.
Copyright Mary K Wykes June 18, 2018
sincerity, wisdom, faith and intelligence.
Read more about the psychology of blue here:
Put the code HCF27 into the tag search box on the main Spoonflower shopping page to easily pull up a wide variety of coordinates.
Quilters are well known for substituting an interesting texture for a solid in order to create a more interesting surface. This same approach can be used to advantage when creating home decor, or crafting a garment.
Within my shop you will find over a thousand solids and textures. For convenience they are organized into collections of similar colors.
Copyright Mary K Wykes June 18, 2018