also available in a blue and purple color scheme
Are you a big fan of florals? A lover of mayan/aztec graphic patterning? As someone who loves patterning and florals as subject matter, I know I am! Flowers and art nouveau shapes are among my favorite things to draw, but I also find myself drawn to more graphic patterning as well. This textile is a combination of those two interests of mine. Great for anyone who loves all things graphic and floral! I created this design in mind for a chic throw pillow or outfit that bridges the gap between modern graphic and traditional nature, but it could be used to create many other things as well! The design also comes in a purple and blue version :) Want a custom fabric design? I'm a freelance illustrator and am always open to new projects! My contact info and the rest of my portfolio can be viewed at If you really love my style and would like to check out more of my work, my art prints and art stationery are available to purchase at Want to keep up with all my new work and WIPs? Follow me on the internet! *Blog: *Instagram: *Twitter: *Tumblr: *Facebook: * : https:// .com/mariaoglesbyart *Youtube: