Originally multicolored, triangles print gray/white.
This hand drawn design is © Karen Langer-Gault All Rights Reserved. It would be suitable for apparel, accessories, etc. I STRONGLY ENCOURAGE YOU TO GET A TEST SWATCH BEFORE ORDERING YARDAGE OF THIS DESIGN to ensure your satisfaction. It was proofed on satin and did show the pattern moderately well on that fabric, but the colors of the triangles appeared to be gray or white instead of magenta, blue and green or yellow. I cannot vouch for how it will look on other fabrics or substrates, so I urge you to proceed with caution. Please contact me via Spoonflower message if you have questions, would like to see additional color ways or scales, or would like to license this design for printing elsewhere. You may sell items you make with fabrics you purchase from my Spoonflower shop. While not required, I would appreciate it if you would credit me as the fabric designer and I'd love to see photos of what you make with this one!