Nancy Lee Moran
The fabric repeat is about 3 x 4 inches, basic repeat. The wallpaper repeat is about 3 x 4 inches, basic repeat. See Collection number 202774 for harmonious designs. "Owls with Autumn Leaves and Harvest Moon" Find the collection by entering its ID number 202774 in the Spoonflower search bar. In the drop-down menu, select "in Collections." This design arose from part of my oil painting, “Harvest Bounty,” which you can see on Pixels. Pamela Estrada made a quilted wallhanging that is shown in the art. She used free-motion quilting, which I endeavored to capture in oil paint. Designs by Nancy Lee Moran are available for licensing. Some designs are also available in other scales or colors on request. I hope you will show me the projects you create with my fabrics. It would be joy to see them. Instagram @nancyleesspoonflowershop Website: Pinterest: nancyleemoran Facebook Spoonflower Page: nancyleemoran3 Facebook Art Page: nancyleemoran2 My art is available to license for personal and professional use. Copyright Notice: This image does not belong to the public domain. It may be licensed by asking permission, All artwork in the Moran portfolio is copyrighted and owned by the artist, Nancy Lee Moran. All rights reserved.