repeat for wallpaper and fabric.
Based on orange trees grown in pots and kept in Orangeries, rooms that were a large type of greenhouse or conservatory and very popular during the 17th to the 19th centuries in the grounds of fashionable residences which I had become aware of during my travels to Europe. This is where orange and other fruit trees were protected during the winter.
The orange tree in my design is in a large pot that includes two hummingbirds around another tree.
This design is also available on a tea towel with a lovely quote by artist, Marc Chagall; look for Orangerie tea towel:
© Copyright Daniela Glassop • Daniela Glassop Illustration and Design
You are permitted to sell items you make with this fabric, but request you credit Daniela Glassop as the designer.
I would love to see what you make with this design so please tag me @danielaglassop so I can see what you have created.
Contact me for changes and/or licensing:
repeat for wallpaper and fabric.
Based on orange trees grown in pots and kept in Orangeries, rooms that were a large type of greenhouse or conservatory and very popular during the 17th to the 19th centuries in the grounds of fashionable residences which I had become aware of during my travels to Europe. This is where orange and other fruit trees were protected during the winter.
The orange tree in my design is in a large pot that includes two hummingbirds around another tree.
This design is also available on a tea towel with a lovely quote by artist, Marc Chagall; look for Orangerie tea towel:
© Copyright Daniela Glassop • Daniela Glassop Illustration and Design
You are permitted to sell items you make with this fabric, but request you credit Daniela Glassop as the designer.
I would love to see what you make with this design so please tag me @danielaglassop so I can see what you have created.
Contact me for changes and/or licensing: