food stuffs that you have been preparing? Well, s
Is the kitchen life getting you down these days? Are you harried and besplattered with any number of food stuffs that you have been preparing? Well, sit down sister and listen to what I'm about to lay on you. It's your very own parliament of owls! (yep, that's the real name of a group of owls.) This veritable hoo's hoo of wise guys are sure to bring a wild hootenany right into your kitchen, keeping you spic and span in the process! This collection of feathered flung food fighters (complete with a couple of intr-hooters) will catch any drippings, scare away the mice from your linen cupboard, and turn on any stray handsome ornithologists that might find their way into your domicile. So drop that ratty old rag you call an apron and tie one on with the hippest hooters in the house!