took artistic license in coloring them red.
Box jellyfish are amazing creatures! They have 24 eyes, grouped in four club-shaped rhophilia. Each rhophilia includes 2 true eyes with lenses and corneas looking upward and downward to sense specific points of light, 4 light sensing simple ocelli to sense light and dark, plus a statolith for vertical orientation based on gravity. Boxies are strong swimmers and actively hunt, using their 4 tentacles to capture and neutralize prey such as small fish and shrimp. Our Hawaiian box jellyfish (Alatina moseri) spawn near shore 8-10 days after the full moon. On the south shores of Oahu, they are attracted by light and the tides carry them over the reef where they become trapped posing a temporary threat to beachgoers. Happily, while they sting and often close our southern beaches, they are not as deadly as their Australian relatives. (Updated 12/09/20 to color correct for changes in Spoonflower print technology.) 550 dpi