Century medium who 'channelled spirits' so as to draw.
Madge Gill was an outsider artist from East London. Raised in an orphanage and sold to Canada in the late 1800s she then returned to London and married her cousin. She was a medium, claiming that a spirit called "Myrninerest" took over her body when drawing and that her imagery is owned by him. All her imagery consists of patterns and female faces looking forlorn. Some say that this is her reflecting on her lost girlhood. Some say that this is her portrayal of a daughter that she always wanted but never had. There are many ghosts in our lives. That's what I wanted to say with this. The imagery is all my own based on the work of Madge Gill. There are lots of cowri shells to reference by personal background and my personal ghosts. There is an exhibition of her work on here at the moment and it is truly stunning... https://www.facebook.com/OrleansHouseGallery