hang. Family history or genealogic tree, up to you.
For scale purpose on fabric: The dog is 9.25" (23.5cm ) The closest Petal Signature Solid Colors are Lilac, Lime and Lemon Lime Whether you make a strictly genealogical tree or a family tree...whether there is one mom, two moms, four parents, two dads or one... que vous parliez français y abla Espanol... Nin2 hui4 shuo1 han4 yu3 ma5 ... I made it possible to use it with either a neddle to embroide your names or simple fabric pens. You can also add laces or frill or a border if you choose to. The baby name and information goes in the acorns pile. You may input as little or as much as you want. On the trunk should be the parents... biological or not. Again, whatever you have space and will to add. Leaves are either fro the parents if they were not on the trunk or if you have a more complicated story to tell. Follow the branch to go up generation. Unfortunatly, the upper levels are more nuclear family type centric, but I thought it would still give you a lot of room compare to the other models out here. Of course, if like me, you know 30 generations, there is no space for that. Maybe publish a book ;-)