my love of all things Bavarian.
Hi my name is Abigail and I am from Germany. I am wearing a Dirndl is a type of traditional dress worn in southern Germany, especially Bavaria, Austria, and Switzerland. A dirndl skirt generally describes a light circular cut dress, gathered at the waist, that falls below the knee. The dirndl consists of a bodice, blouse, full skirt and apron. The Austrian upper classes adopted the dirndl as high fashion in the 1870's. The dirndl originated as a more hardy form of the costume worn today; the uniform of Austrian servants in the 19 th century: Dirndlgewand means "maid's dress". Instructions 1. Cut Abigail out on dotted line 2. Cut out Cotton Fabric for back of doll the same size. 3. Pin right sides together 4. Sew all the way around leaving a small opening on top of her head for stuffing. 5. Turn right side out, and turn out corners with a stuffing stick. 6. Fill doll to desired firmness 7. Turn in opening and hand stitch closed the opening. 8. Enjoy your new doll Abigail!