shake, teddy bears to talk to and toys
they can pull around on strings.
A contemporary twist on traditional toile de jouy because though the colors are time-honored there’s no bucolic landscape here, only toys create this playful kids design; you could even call it a Toyle!
Notice: As of 2024 links to my collections and designs may be broken due to Spoonflower’s policy changes. A link may still work but may take you to an empty collection because the website will be de-listing designs to offer fewer, making your shopping experience easier.
There are additional sizes and color options suited to fabric yardage and home décor items in the collection simply called ‘Toys’,
Please remember all my Spoonflower designs are ART not A.I., and as such are always
©Karen Del Pellegrino, All Rights Reserved
I only sell artwork I’ve created myself,
NEVER generated by A.I.
Design Number: 10112973.
File: off the wall toile wallpaper final.jpg
shake, teddy bears to talk to and toys
they can pull around on strings.
A contemporary twist on traditional toile de jouy because though the colors are time-honored there’s no bucolic landscape here, only toys create this playful kids design; you could even call it a Toyle!
Notice: As of 2024 links to my collections and designs may be broken due to Spoonflower’s policy changes. A link may still work but may take you to an empty collection because the website will be de-listing designs to offer fewer, making your shopping experience easier.
There are additional sizes and color options suited to fabric yardage and home décor items in the collection simply called ‘Toys’,
Please remember all my Spoonflower designs are ART not A.I., and as such are always
©Karen Del Pellegrino, All Rights Reserved
I only sell artwork I’ve created myself,
NEVER generated by A.I.
Design Number: 10112973.
File: off the wall toile wallpaper final.jpg