EnchantedCastle wallpaper A & then this. Cf "Additional Details"
This design was created for the endpapers of "The Enchanted Castle," a classic children's book written by the British author E. Nesbit in 1907. The edition with my illustrations, now out of print, was originally published by Morrow Junior Books in 1992. It's still in libraries, though, and as of this writing, available through abesbooks: This pattern could not fit on one (vertical) roll of wallpaper, so the left half of it is uploaded as Enchanted Castle wallpaper A, and the right half here as Enchanted Castle wallpaper B. Unfortunately, because of Spoonflower's automated system, at the right edge of each roll, a 3/4" strip of image has been added, taken from the left edge of that roll. IGNORE THAT STRIP. The left edge of this wallpaper will line up with the imagery in "Enchanted Castle wallpaper A" at a point another 3/4" inches in, so there will be a total overlap of 1 1/2". If you wish, you can trim off the right 3/4" of both rolls. The left edge of the B wallpaper MUST go on top of the right edge of the A wallpaper, not the other way around. By the same token, the right 3/4" of wallpaper B is an unavoidable result of Spoonflower's system, and not part of my image. Ignore it, and cover it with the next roll of wallpaper A. If the layout should end with the right edge of wallpaper B showing, you will probably want to trim that 3/4" edge off before hanging. Please write to me if this is not clear, or if you want to suggest a better way of doing it. Lastly, I have also uploaded two other versions at larger scales that do not require two rolls. One of them unrolls horizontally. The other is very large, with 24" wide panels, and would require some special planning in its layout on the wall, perhaps involving the ordering of different lengths of the pattern originally, if horizontal paper edges are to be avoided.