These designs capture the fun of old-school creativity, as shapes and patterns from pencil shavings and stacks of pencils are transformed into whimsical patterns. Pale brown curls of pencil shavings are scattered through the designs, their colourful, jagged edges like rainbows. Some have broken in half, crumbing and emerging into intriguing butterfly shapes. Other designs are washed in blue and mauve colourways, abstracting the illustrations slightly though their muted hues into delicately coiling floral patterns. The collection also features stacks of coloured pencils, their ends sticking out at different heights in a fun bouncy motion. They’re just waiting to be picked up and turned into creators of an artistic masterpiece. © Marta Rusin 2012 All designs available in different scales and colorways. If you can't find what you are looking for perhaps I could design it for you? I look forward to hearing from you!