with a Pop Art vibe--and a hand-drawn personality!
The whole time I drew this study on bananas, I kept thinking of my delightful cousin, who we nicknamed “Anna Banana” when we were kids. Of course I thought of the knock-knock joke! I also thought of a cheer we used to do at ball-games: Go Bananas! B-A-N-A-N-A-S! and that’s how this playful Pop-Art pattern got it’s name! (I would like to think Andy Warhol would approve!) If your life or the world is driving you bananas, then wallpaper your creative space in this happy damask fruit print to inspire your muse to let go and go bananas — or grab a few yards of this fabric and make something just for the sheer fun of it! (In case you are curious, I drew the bananas with colored pencil on paper, then imported a scan to create this design.)