collage. If you order them on fabric ...
...cut at the red dotted line to provide a quarter-inch seam allowance. If you order them on paper, cut at the solid line to get a 4" by 6" postcard.
For a stuffed toy postcard, consider checking out our photo fabric designs ( to make the front of the card. Just sew together your chosen photo fabric and a photo back with right sides together, then turn inside out and topstitch with a layer of batting sandwiched in the middle. You can also create a miniature quilt to mail, a unique quilt label, or any other project you like!
The number of postcards you get depends on the material you choose -- for example, there are nine postcards on a fat quarter of most available fabrics, but 24 on a 3' roll of wallpaper. However, the design is set up to maximize the yield from any material you'd like to print while keeping the postcards consistent in size. For this purpose, a simple stamp design has been used to fill in non-card space.
collage. If you order them on fabric ...
...cut at the red dotted line to provide a quarter-inch seam allowance. If you order them on paper, cut at the solid line to get a 4" by 6" postcard.
For a stuffed toy postcard, consider checking out our photo fabric designs ( to make the front of the card. Just sew together your chosen photo fabric and a photo back with right sides together, then turn inside out and topstitch with a layer of batting sandwiched in the middle. You can also create a miniature quilt to mail, a unique quilt label, or any other project you like!
The number of postcards you get depends on the material you choose -- for example, there are nine postcards on a fat quarter of most available fabrics, but 24 on a 3' roll of wallpaper. However, the design is set up to maximize the yield from any material you'd like to print while keeping the postcards consistent in size. For this purpose, a simple stamp design has been used to fill in non-card space.