ordering this on a 56" wide fabric.
CUT & SEW DIRECTIONS: One yard of any 56'' wide fabrics will yield precisely two pattern sets. To produce a simple, full, gathered, lovely, swing skirt I recommend a lighter weight, fabric selection like Performance Piqué or Organic Sweet Pea Gauze. Fold the fabric in half from end to end so that the two cut edges meet. Press the center fold. Open up the fabric and cut along the creased fold so that there are two 28'' x 36'' pieces. Lay the pieces. right sides together and sew both of the selvedge (side) edges together with 5/8 inch seams to form a big tube. Press the seams open. Make a 1/4 '' double fold along the bottom cut edge (the bottom is the one with the one inch, narrow black band). Stitch in place making a narrow hem. Make a casing for elastic on the top edge by folding and pressing 1/4 inch then folding again and pressing down to a width that will fit your elastic. I recommend that the elastic be at least 1 inch wide and cut to whatever length is right for your waistline. Stitch the folded edge down leaving the last inch or so unstitched so that the elastic can be inserted into the casing. Secure the ends of the elastic together and stitch the opening in the casing shut Turn the entire piece right side out and voila, your finished skirt! See the picture of the original skirt in the comments below for an approximation of the look you will end up with using these instructions. The original skirt is tiered and has a fitted waistband. My skirt is simpler with simulated tiers and an elastic waistband.