on a fat-quarter.
1. Cut pattern pieces A (exterior) and B (interior) along the dotted lines. 2. Place the right sides of both pattern A pieces together, and sew the two pieces together along curved outer edge, using a ¼” seam allowance. 3. Fold the straight side edges of the mask in ¼” and topstitch. 4. Repeat with pattern B pieces. 5. With right sides together, align the center front seams of the A (interior) and B (exterior) mask. Sew exterior mask to the interior along the top and bottom edges of the mask. 6. Cut a piece of 2-3” wire and sew with a zig-zag stitch around the nose of the mask. 7. Turn the mask to the right side through the side openings. 8. Fold the sides of the exterior mask to meet the folded edge of the interior mask. Sew 1/8” from edge of exterior mask to create a channel through which the tie/ribbon will be threaded.