which dog your friend is thinking of.
This design is 36x42" with a red paw print border (find matching fabric for a back panel here:
In one yard you will get over 50 painted dogs in and out of costume to play seek and find games with. Find a dog wearing mittens, a striped scarf, a top hat, or polka dots. Play 20 questions to discover which dog your friend is thinking of. Who can be first to spot a dog wearing glasses?
which dog your friend is thinking of.
This design is 36x42" with a red paw print border (find matching fabric for a back panel here:
In one yard you will get over 50 painted dogs in and out of costume to play seek and find games with. Find a dog wearing mittens, a striped scarf, a top hat, or polka dots. Play 20 questions to discover which dog your friend is thinking of. Who can be first to spot a dog wearing glasses?