Spoonflower presentsSmall-Scale Summer Design Challenge

Shop designs


The Winner

About this design:

Sunshine, beaches, flip flops, pool floats. The hottest time of the year is just around the corner here in North America, and we’re getting in the mood with all things summer fun! Create a small-scale design that evokes all your favorite things about summer. Use your creativity and come up with a summer fun ditsy or small-scale print that would look fabulous on a swimsuit or summer tote!


For this challenge, be sure to think small-scale or ditsy! New to ditsy prints? The definition of a ditsy print in regards to surface design is a small scale, scattered, non-directional surface pattern. Entries will be previewed at the swatch size (8” x 8") this week.
  • Entries close . View the full timeline below.
  • Designs will be viewed as a Swatch of Fabric on the voting ballot. Acceptable repeat options for this challenge are Basic, Half-Drop, Half-Brick, Mirror, Center.
  • Designs previously uploaded on Spoonflower.com are not eligible for this contest. Designs do not require printed proofing to enter the contest.
  • The popular vote determines the top 80 winning designs. Voters include Spoonflower artists and customers as well as the public.
  • The top 80 designs receive prizes or benefits. View the full prize list below.
  • View the full Terms & Conditions for this challenge.