foliage of the brazenberries.
In the misty twilight, twinkling stars are just starting to peep through the foliage of the brazenberries. In this small scale version of the design, the stars are white on the jade background. It is ideal for dolls, miniatures, children's clothing, patchwork and quilting projects. If you would like to purchase this design set at a different scale, please ask me to alter it to suit your requirement. This is an original, hand drawn design by R W. © 2012.
foliage of the brazenberries.
In the misty twilight, twinkling stars are just starting to peep through the foliage of the brazenberries. In this small scale version of the design, the stars are white on the jade background. It is ideal for dolls, miniatures, children's clothing, patchwork and quilting projects. If you would like to purchase this design set at a different scale, please ask me to alter it to suit your requirement. This is an original, hand drawn design by R W. © 2012.