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There is a touch of art nouveau (a style mostly popularized in the 1890's that ran through the early 1900's) but there is also a smattering of the un-named style that ran from the decade of world war one and into the 1920's, before the Egyptian revival craze popularized art deco. I know where these come from to resurface in my artwork: children's books--mostly primary grades reading primers. I had an uncle who didn't know what kind of gift to bring a child when he visited, so he would go to the used book store and buy the cheapest thing the stores had available in the kiddie shelves: outdated primary school reading books. And so, before I was 9 years old, I had learned popular art history from the 1910's through the 1950's by laying on my belly in my bedroom and paging through the pictures which showed art, hair, and clothing styles of their times. These delicate flower-like 1918 era blooms and their stems, and vines, and the diamond shaped stained glass windows between their bouquets, aren't very realistic, but they are very sweet and feminine. (file h69-ch, #2033373) Wallpaper has been temporarily set to large size for a custom order. It will be corrected after that order prints.

There is a touch of art nouveau (a style mostly popularized in the 1890's that ran through the early 1900's) but there is also a smattering of the un-named style that ran from the decade of world war one and into the 1920's, before the Egyptian revival craze popularized art deco. I know where these come from to resurface in my artwork: children's books--mostly primary grades reading primers. I had an uncle who didn't know what kind of gift to bring a child when he visited, so he would go to the used book store and buy the cheapest thing the stores had available in the kiddie shelves: outdated primary school reading books. And so, before I was 9 years old, I had learned popular art history from the 1910's through the 1950's by laying on my belly in my bedroom and paging through the pictures which showed art, hair, and clothing styles of their times. These delicate flower-like 1918 era blooms and their stems, and vines, and the diamond shaped stained glass windows between their bouquets, aren't very realistic, but they are very sweet and feminine. (file h69-ch, #2033373) Wallpaper has been temporarily set to large size for a custom order. It will be corrected after that order prints.

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