All Products forLARGE thistle - dandelion | grey and cream | flowering weed



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About the Design

There are more color variation in my Thistle collection. Excellent for home decor - wallpapers,

curtains or upholstery.

A thistle is a flowering plant characterized by its prickly leaves and stems. Thistles belong to the Asteraceae family, which includes many species distributed worldwide. These plants are known for their distinctive purple or pink flowers, though some species may have white or yellow flowers. Thistles are often considered weeds in agricultural settings because they can compete with crops for nutrients and space. However, some species of thistle are cultivated as ornamental plants for gardens due to their attractive flowers. Additionally, thistles have been used in traditional medicine and culinary applications in some cultures. Instagram @renatta_zare © Copyright Renatta Zare

curtains or upholstery.

A thistle is a flowering plant characterized by its prickly leaves and stems. Thistles belong to the Asteraceae family, which includes many species distributed worldwide. These plants are known for their distinctive purple or pink flowers, though some species may have white or yellow flowers. Thistles are often considered weeds in agricultural settings because they can compete with crops for nutrients and space. However, some species of thistle are cultivated as ornamental plants for gardens due to their attractive flowers. Additionally, thistles have been used in traditional medicine and culinary applications in some cultures. Instagram @renatta_zare © Copyright Renatta Zare

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