All Products forpurple roses 9x9



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About the Design

This exquisite fabric showcases a stunning bouquet of purple roses and ferns on a light beige


The fabric features a meticulously illustrated bouquet of purple roses, each bloom displaying intricate details on its velvety petals. The roses are rich in color, ranging from deep plum to soft lavender, creating a captivating visual impact. Intertwined with the roses are lush green ferns, their graceful fronds adding a touch of whimsy and botanical charm. The light purple background complements the floral bouquet and ferns, providing a gentle and dreamy backdrop. Its soft hue evokes a sense of tranquility and grace, enhancing the overall aesthetic of the fabric. It is perfect for various creative projects, including garments, home decor, and accessories. Whether you're designing a romantic dress, accent pillows, or a statement tote bag, this fabric will add a touch of sophistication and natural beauty.


The fabric features a meticulously illustrated bouquet of purple roses, each bloom displaying intricate details on its velvety petals. The roses are rich in color, ranging from deep plum to soft lavender, creating a captivating visual impact. Intertwined with the roses are lush green ferns, their graceful fronds adding a touch of whimsy and botanical charm. The light purple background complements the floral bouquet and ferns, providing a gentle and dreamy backdrop. Its soft hue evokes a sense of tranquility and grace, enhancing the overall aesthetic of the fabric. It is perfect for various creative projects, including garments, home decor, and accessories. Whether you're designing a romantic dress, accent pillows, or a statement tote bag, this fabric will add a touch of sophistication and natural beauty.

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