All Products forUkrainian Sunflowers on Mossy Rock



Kitchen & Dining


Living & Decor


About the Design

Blue and yellow sunflowers, hand painted using watercolour and ink, on a green background. Created

in 2022 in honour of Ukraine.

Pattern available in different colourways, scales and with co-ordinating solid colours. Check out the Ode to Ukraine Collection for details. Otherwise contact me for specific requests. Feel free to use this fabric to make unique items for sale, and share beauty with the rest of the world. I would love to see what you come up with! Giving credit to Halyna Dee Creative would be greatly appreciated.

in 2022 in honour of Ukraine.

Pattern available in different colourways, scales and with co-ordinating solid colours. Check out the Ode to Ukraine Collection for details. Otherwise contact me for specific requests. Feel free to use this fabric to make unique items for sale, and share beauty with the rest of the world. I would love to see what you come up with! Giving credit to Halyna Dee Creative would be greatly appreciated.

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