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Spoonflower presentsDitsy Lizards Design Challenge

Shop designs


The Winner

About this design:

Did you know that the upper and lower eyelids of chameleons are joined, leaving just a small hole for them to see through? As if changing color to blend in with their environment wasn't enough, to make up for it, they can move their eyes independently, allowing them to look in two different directions at the same time. This week, we've got our eyes on lots of lizards! Give a big high-five to the winner of this week's Ditsy Lizards Design Challenge, "ditsy lizards" by Jill_o_connor, and be sure to check out all the top 10 runners up!


Do you know why lizards stick their tongues out at a rapid pace? Make a ditsy design from our favorite creature that smells by tasting the air around them with their tongue! Previews will be sized as a swatch (8" x 8"). Deadline for entry is Tuesday, September 8th, 2015. Voting will open Thursday, September 10th, 2015.
  • Entries close . View the full timeline below.
  • Designs will be viewed as a Swatch of Fabric on the voting ballot. Acceptable repeat options for this challenge are Basic, Half-Drop, Half-Brick, Mirror, Center.
  • Designs previously uploaded on are not eligible for this contest. Designs do not require printed proofing to enter the contest.
  • The popular vote determines the top 10 winning designs. Voters include Spoonflower artists and customers as well as the public.
  • The top 10 designs receive prizes or benefits. View the full prize list below.
  • View the full Terms & Conditions for this challenge.