All designs by Susan Malcik
I live in Austin, TX. I was a Peace Corps Vol. in The Gambia, West Africa. I have also lived in Cameroon,(Bombay and Chennai) India, Barbados, Senegal, Ivory Coast, Djibouti, Germany, Afghanistan, Sweden, and France. Enjoy!
These are all photo-based designs in a fat-quarter size, but I am often showing them four images to a yard (works for all fabrics except Cotton Silk, with some inches left over, if their width is more than 42 inches). They are here because a size 0 customer uses two fat quarters (front and back) to make a skirt, and she had requested to easily see everything I have for sale of possible interest to her. Of course, anyone is welcome to join in the fun! Sure wish I was that size. If you are a size TINY, you can use two for a skirt, and two for a top or make a skirt for your also TINY mom, sister, or BFF. Cheers!