All designs by Anna Rasmussen Pessah
I'm originally a fashion designer but my love of prints has turned me into a more allround kind of designer. I see patterns everywhere and I love using as much color as possible. I live in Malmö, Sweden #arrpdesign
I am a big fan of bold and graphic pattern, especially if they are monochrome or black and white. Patterns as statement pieces, simple as that. For me it has been sort of a mission/white whale to create a great graphic and bold pattern. As a designer I've always challenged myself by designing patterns in a style I would not normally use myself. I think that is my best technique for creating more exciting patterns. Designing closer to my own aesthetic has almost always resulted in patterns I like, but that I don't really get excited about. Until now that is! http://arrpdesign.com/bold-a-new-a-r-r-p-collection/