of the photograph by using the magic want to lif
Based on the "Traffic cones on the steps" photograph. I eliminated most of the colors, and details of the photograph by using the magic want to lift, first the cones, and then the side of the steps, from the photograph, (keeping them in the same relationship to each other as in the photo). I then cleaned up some stray spots of gray; but left the little tears and imperfections in because I felt it better reflected the relationship between the design and the photograph. I then added the "reflective" bands back in. To get the color for the bands I zoomed in to the pixel level and lifted the lightest shade from the bands in the photo. I arranged the simplified cones on the steps in two sets and placed them in a traditional foulard pattern. I then zoomed in again to lift the darker green in the background from the shades in the green leaves in the upper left corner of the photo; and created the textured squares using a lighter version of the same green.