All Products forFrench Semaphore Towers with Oxen


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About the Design

Picture yourself back a bit before the industrial revolution - new technologies were starting to

spread, but old ways of doing things were rampant. As

Picture yourself back a bit before the industrial revolution - new technologies were starting to spread, but old ways of doing things were rampant. As featured in "The Count of Monte Cristo," Napoleon's France used these Chappe Semaphore towers to relay vital news over long distances. Learn more here! ( Here they are, scattered around the lush countryside, under the calm observation of the local oxen.

spread, but old ways of doing things were rampant. As

Picture yourself back a bit before the industrial revolution - new technologies were starting to spread, but old ways of doing things were rampant. As featured in "The Count of Monte Cristo," Napoleon's France used these Chappe Semaphore towers to relay vital news over long distances. Learn more here! ( Here they are, scattered around the lush countryside, under the calm observation of the local oxen.

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