All Products forPastel Halloween Charm Small



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Living & Decor


About the Design

This unique pattern brings a soft, playful touch to the traditional Halloween motifs, featuring

charming ghosts, gentle ghouls, and pastel pumpkins.

Step into a world where Halloween meets whimsy. Perfect for those who love the festive spirit of Halloween but prefer a softer, more elegant approach to their decor and projects. Whether you're crafting costumes, creating home decorations, or designing apparel, this fabric will add a quirky and delightful twist to your creations. Its kid-friendly approach makes it ideal for family crafts, bringing a gentle haunt to your Halloween festivities.

charming ghosts, gentle ghouls, and pastel pumpkins.

Step into a world where Halloween meets whimsy. Perfect for those who love the festive spirit of Halloween but prefer a softer, more elegant approach to their decor and projects. Whether you're crafting costumes, creating home decorations, or designing apparel, this fabric will add a quirky and delightful twist to your creations. Its kid-friendly approach makes it ideal for family crafts, bringing a gentle haunt to your Halloween festivities.

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