All Products forIUDs for Everybody! (sunshine)



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About the Design

IUDs for everybody! Easy, cheap, safe, effective, long-term, reversible birth control... everyone

who wants an IUD should be able to have one.

This design features a Skyla brand IUD (a great option for people who have not had any babies yet, and know they do not want to get pregnant in the next 3 years). Happy colors for happy IUDs...if you'd like a different color scheme or pattern size, just ask!

who wants an IUD should be able to have one.

This design features a Skyla brand IUD (a great option for people who have not had any babies yet, and know they do not want to get pregnant in the next 3 years). Happy colors for happy IUDs...if you'd like a different color scheme or pattern size, just ask!

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