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About the Design

To see more of this artist's work use the keyword 2084 alone or in combination with a subject word

such as 2084+paisley.

Art nouveau-influenced paisley swirls form alternating ornate globe forms, full of twists and halftones, in this delicately orange abstract. Everything in this design is some shade of orange, from the lightest cream color, through the most intense lollipop shade. And everything is curly swirly. (file g82v4)

such as 2084+paisley.

Art nouveau-influenced paisley swirls form alternating ornate globe forms, full of twists and halftones, in this delicately orange abstract. Everything in this design is some shade of orange, from the lightest cream color, through the most intense lollipop shade. And everything is curly swirly. (file g82v4)

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